P-1A Visa Attorney in Chicago
Panteva Law Group, LLC Serves Clients Worldwide
Those who come to the U.S. temporarily to take part in a recognized athletic competition may be eligible for a P-1A visa. These athletes can be participating in a solo competition or in a competition as part of a group or team. The competition must be at an internationally recognized performance level in order for applicants to qualify for the visa.
If you need assistance obtaining a P-1A visa for yourself or on behalf of someone else, Panteva Law Group, LLC can help you navigate the process. We strive to make sure you understand the requirements and your options from start to finish.
What Is the Eligibility Criteria for the P-1A Visa?
The eligibility criteria for the P-1A visa is fairly straightforward but must be supported with sufficient documentation of the level of ability of the athlete(s) and the level of the competition.
If you are applying as an individual, you must be applying to participate in:
- A solo event
- Competition
- Or performance in a field in which you are already recognized as highly accomplished on an international level
If you are applying as part of an athletic team, the team must be seeking to participate in events that they already have significant international recognition in. The event must also feature other teams that have achieved a similar level of international distinction.
How Long Does a P-1A Visa Last?
The initial period of stay on a P-1A visa depends on whether you are coming as an individual athlete, an athletic group or team, or as essential support personnel.
For individuals, the visa is intended to last as long as it is necessary to complete the event or performance and is not intended to last longer than five years. However, it is possible to extend your stay in continued increments of up to five years – though the total stay is capped at 10 years.
For teams, the P-1A visa is intended to last as long as it is necessary to complete the event or performance and is not intended to last longer than one year. In some cases, teams can extend their stay in up to one-year increments to complete the event.
Essential Support Personnel
Visas for essential support personnel are intended to last no longer than one year. It is possible to apply for an extension of stay that can be granted in increments of up to five years, but the total stay is capped at 10 years.
Give our P-1A visa lawyer a call at (312) 471-0014 or contact us online to get started today.
We speak Bulgarian, Spanish, Mandarin, and French.
Speak with Our Dedicated Chicago Immigration Attorney
Founding attorney Iskra Panteva can anticipate what downfalls and setbacks may potentially arise in a case. This experience enables our firm to work preemptively and to thoroughly prepare each case appropriately. We provide our clients with an honest assessment of their situation and only take cases we believe can be approved.
Our team takes on many cases that other attorneys shy away from. We relish the opportunity to sift through the complexities of employment immigration law and apply them to your situation in a way that is designed to achieve your goals.
Contact Panteva Law Group, LLC online or give us a call at (312) 471-0014 to see if a P-1A visa may be right for you.